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Join our community of startup founders & side-hustlers building smarter.

startup stories & lessons

For each startup, we’ll go on a deep dive into the initial insight, validation, the road to PMF, and how they acquired their first users.


The textbook approach/method to Product Market Fit.

πŸ€” Scratching your own itch

πŸ“– The framework for PMF

🌱 Growing through your constraints

Series C


How two frustrated journalists and a friend toppled the clickbait model of media and forged a $750m startup in the process.

☝️ Aha moment from idea validation

πŸ‘· Build with your first users

🀏 Doing things that don’t scale

Series B


How Fusion Books, an Australian yearbook publishing company, kickstarted a $26 billion company with a mission to make design simpler.

πŸ’‘ How to think about startup ideas

πŸ‘‚ How to listen to Customers

🎯 Benefits of building for a Niche


Startup deep-dives from Zero to One

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